Why is it, when I make a checklist to complete all the necessary tasks, that every time I check off something, it seems I think of three more things to replace it? I'm in the process of wrapping up small details for the voyage. I arranged for my digital camera purchase today, as well as picked up my most technified gadget to date - a new ipod. Now I've just got to add all my music to the playlists so that I will have plenty to listen to on my trip. I'm not eagerly awaiting the long flight from IAD (Washington-Dulles) to JNB (Johannesburg), nor am I looking forward to the heat.
I checked today and Pretoria was 90 degrees. It was my understanding that we were going to be traveling there in the Fall, but I guess maybe there 90 degrees does equal fall weather. It'll be quite the temp change for me. As many may know - I'm not exactly a sun friendly gal as evident of my near-translucent complextion (my make-up foundation color isn't called alabaster for nothing!) but I'd play the role of Icharus to have this experience so I really can't complain.

Spring Break has crept it's way onto the UWM campus leaving parking garages and computer terminals blissfully bereft of bodies. An entire city's worth of people have up and gone. In preparation for the upcoming slew of academic feats that I intend to perform this coming week, I have done nothing remotely intellectually challenging for this St. Patrick's Day weekend. I actually decided to unpack and settle into my apartment more fully. I figured that six months or so of living out of boxes was a bit much.
With so much to do still before I leave I wanted to make sure that I stepped up to the proverbial classwork plate with a clear head, so I did nothing. I didn't crack a book or look over notes, or even so much as empty out my backpack from Friday. Reality will come all too soon when I wake up tomorrow, and I already plan to spend all of Tuesday and Wednesday in the library prostrating myself before the knowledge gods in hopes that one of their cohorts, the muses will strike me with grand inspiration both in writing and researching. Whether or not that actually happens will remain to be seen...
I'm so excited for you! I like your blog background. It's actually the same one I have. I'm sure you'll have some fun in the sun. Maybe when you get back, you can even upgrade your foundation color a grade or two!
It was fun to get this and now I have another blasted acount out in cyperspace but I have everything saved!
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